
Additional Profiles For 'The' Social Network

Additional profiles represented one of the most challenging architectural changes to Facebook since the platform launched. As a product leader (within the core navigation group) I was part of a special team assigned to tackle the design and implementation of this feature.


Removing The Friction

In order to encourage users to build an additional profile the process had to feel personable and informative. Finding the right balance between perceived value and low stakes commitment was key to encouraging users to explore past the initial point of entry.

Profile Type
Profile Type
Profile Name
Profile Name
Profile Details
Profile Details
Existing relationships provide immediate value to a new profile

To avoid shallow sessions (incomplete or inaccurate feeds) new profiles are encouraged to connect with a handful of existing friends and/or groups. These existing relationships provide immediate value to a new profile by populating feeds with relevant content and helping them to drive engagement and retention.

Close Friends
Close Friends
Suggested Groups
Suggested Groups
Final Steps
Final Steps

Building Bridges

Making it fast and intuitive to switch between accounts was key to ensuring that new profiles weren't lost or abandoned. Controlling the flow of information between profiles was also of paramount importance. We went to great lengths to guarantee that pseudonymous identities were secure and could rely on enhanced privacy controls.

Profile Selection
Profile Selection
Profile Switching
Profile Switching
Profile Main
Profile Main
Retention increased along with satisfaction for communities

Additional profiles represented a paradigm shift for Facebook at a time when competition for community growth was heating up. These profiles helped to unlock new potential within Facebook Groups and saw user retention increase along with satisfaction for the communities product. I am named as an inventor on patent application 18/057,864 ‘Systems and Methods For Generating Pseudonym profiles...’.

You can find out more about additional profiles on Facebook or stick around and take a peek at some of my other work.

Science & Creativity

Product Designer
Front-End Developer
Team Leader

I'm Simon, a multi-award winning product designer based in New York. During my career I've had the privilege of creating experiences for clients including the New York Times and Google. I've also helped guide teams at Facebook and startups like Highfive and WeTransfer.

  • Design Process
  • IA/UX/UI
  • Illustration
  • Semiotics
  • Prototyping